Interview with Dña. María José Muñoz Estévez
Director of Communications of the Ministry of Defence (DIRCOMDEF)
Episodio 10
Interesting talk with Ms. María José Muñoz Estévez, Director of Communications of the Ministry of Defence (DIRCOMDEF), in which she shares her experience after a year leading the institution's communications.
She reflects on the challenge of transforming society's perception of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces, highlighting the positive impact of the FEINDEF Fair in achieving this goal.
Episode 9
Additionally, he shared with us some updates about the fourth edition of FEINDEF.
Episode 8
Don't miss it!
Episode 7
Episode 6
Don't miss it!
Episode 5
What are Indra's challenges and foresight for the future? What does the Spanish industry need to be at the level of France or the United Kingdom? What does Indra's participation in the FCAS project mean for Indra?
Marc Murtra, President of Indra, gives us answers to these and other questions in this new Feindef dialogue.
Episode 4
In this Feindef dialogue, Mr. Miguel Rego, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Advisor of Feindef Foundation, explains the details of this space.
Episode 3
Episode 2
President of the Feindef Foundation